Useful links
Journal Abbreviations
A very useful tool from University of British Columbia
Organic Chemistry Portal
It offers an overview of recent topics, interesting reactions, and information on important chemicals for organic chemists.
Chemistry Reference Resolver
An easy way to resolve a reference to a chemistry paper.
Periodic Table videos
Enjoy the short videos of each element of the periodic table.
How to write a scientific paper
''Insights into conducting research and the writing of scientific papers are given by Prof. Whitesides in this short essay. The manuscript and its guidelines has been circulated within the Whitesides' research group since 1989''.
The importance of storytelling in chemical education
"Storytelling can be a powerful educational tool to help address equity in the chemical sciences"
Oligonucleotide Properties Calculator
This tool can be used to calculate the physical constant and thermodynamic constant condition for the oligonucleotide.
The UNAFold web server is currently an amalgamation of two existing web servers: mfold (for nucleic acid folding and hybridization prediction) & DNAMelt.